
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Black and White chp. 4

Manny came and squeesed my arm; she was scared. We heard Sponge coming up the stairs. "Let me bite into your arm Cheroes. It will give you powers. Even to be more powerful then Sponge and her father" Manny whispered. I stared at her, I was a little scared at the idea. But I nodded. And closed my eyes.
Moments later I opened them and blood was going down my arm. I opened my mouth in horror, but when I turned back there was no blood, just a blue scar that was shimmering like mad. "Cheroes, say this: 'Mishompt Tice'. It will make Sponge loose a ton of power, but she will know your here" hissed Manny. I gulped. But then I stared at Manny, who was bringing a wand to me. "M-M-". "You can do it Cheroes". I nodded, and said, "MISHOMPT TICE!". A flash of blue sparks flew out of my wand, and went between the door, which caught on fire, blue fire. But the fire faded quickly. Sponge lay on the floor. I could see her scar, above her eyelid. I couldnt help thinking that this all happened between Black and White. Her scar kept changing colors, from black to green and midnight blue. But then the scar vanished. Sponge woke up and left the room quietly.

I looked at my wand. I looked at Manny, who was just technically a peace of yarn. She would be a snake forever, and my eyes filled up with tears. Next thing I knew Manny curled around on my lap (I sat down). "Sssssss Cheroes dont cry. There is one simple way to try to change me back. Its rare for it to work, because its hard to say. People usually die if it goes wrong. But Cheroes, I need you to try it. Yell this: Configures ChanFingigty and point your wand at me" Manny said. The tears left my face, and I looked at Manny. I took a deep breath and yelled, "CONFIGURES CHANFINGIGTY!". Mannys snake body turned into a human slowly. The snake was standing up, and legs replaced her tail. Arms grew out of her. And her head turned into a human head, and then her body.
Except she was in a bra and underwear. I started laughing, but quickly pointed to her and said 'Plofays'. Clothes appeared on her. "SAMSON!" I whispered, suddenly remembering him and I ran downstairs. "Samsons dead forever" said a voice behind us. Scdawg was sitting on the stairs, her shirt soaked. Obviously from crying I thought. I kneeled down near Samson. Scdawg came and picked him up. She kissed his dead body like mad, as she soaked his shirt too. "Trycoptanus!" screamed a voice out of nowhere. The man came to view. It was Snickers. Everybodys eyes were on him, and nobody noticed Samson struggling to have Scdawg get off him. He pushed her, and she screamed suddenly looking at him. "SAMSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed. For some reason, Samson mouthed Scdawg!!!! I stared at him.
He couldnt talk.