
Friday, July 3, 2009

Hmmmmmmmmmmm Mmdance?!

Hmmmmm, it says Mmdance came to my website, but I aint all that excited yet. I was, until I realized there was a youtube user called Mmdance, but HER user is Mmdancecp, you need to give me proof 'Mmdance'. Make a video called 'Spongebob727, its me' and I will believe you. And if its on the account Mmdance, I believe its not you. Cause Im surprised out of all ppl, Mmdance would want to be my friend. I hope its really you Mmdance, or post something on the blog of you, Molly Brown1, Heatblast277 and so on that its you, no phony. I will be checking, I 30% believe you cause u got that picture on your name that has you...... so if anybody sees her, please tell her to make a video or post something on the blog with Heatblast227. Or some time on the chat box go on CP with me
Thank you
~TSS (The Suspicious Sponge)