
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Cheroes and Imagechef

Dear Cheroes,
You know how we both love ImageChef? And I like "know" you in real life I was wondering (because I can't use my first and last name) if we could have an imagechef account to share, but when you make an account you need First and Last; which I can't do. And your parents let you do ANYTHING like send pictures and so on so I'm really hoping you'd say yes. You don't need to wait to find me on the chat box for an answer you can either comment saying yes or no or email me saying yes or no. Thanks!


Kira Marie said...

can i share too? please?

cheroes said...

sure spongebob. manny, me, and you can all share!

Spongebob727 said...

thank you so much cheroes!!!!!!!!!! i made an account MANNY YOU ALREADY HAVE ONE!!!!!!!!! lol. I MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kira Marie said...

fine. :(