
Friday, June 26, 2009

Scream (Chp. 4)


They made a plan and told me. Charlie would hold me, invisably, so when I kill (sigh) Raymond, he wouldn't know it was me. Or Charlie. Or Lilly, that killed him. So everything was ok. It would have to be at night, when he was sleeping. Lilly told us that she and Jack were with each other for a while (not boyfriend girlfriend) until she decided to come to the ground. Jack didn't wanna go anywhere near the ground. So he left. So did Lilly. It was Thursday night, the night of Raymond Popits death. I was crying, and Charlie was hugging me. I didn't want to kill someone. Not even if it was a favor. That's what happened to Taylor, and I heard her scream. Maybe Popits will scream too. I hung on to Charlie, as we went invisable. We walked through the doors of Cyber Collage. Lilly said he might be in room 37. We checked that, and Lilly's eyes (Charlie told me) light up like a balloon, knowing that they would soon be together. He was fast asleep, so was his 3 roommates, but 1 was wide awake playing Mario Kart on the Wii. We snuck past him, and I held out the gun. I closed my eyes, and Charlies hand were on top of mine as he directed the shoot. I didnt open, and I felt around for the pull. I pulled. And I knew it. Scream. Raymond's body fell off the bed. But we saw his spirit. He stared at me, and I dropped the gun. The gun became visible. The boy playing the Wii stared at the gun. He looked up at where we were, but he didnt see us. He screamed, and had a heart attack. So soon there was Raymond and Riley staring at us. Then Raymond's eyes focused at Lilly. He gasped. "LILLY?! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!!" he yelled. "I am, and so are you, Drake slash Charlie, and Riley. But this girl right here, Amy, is alive. Shes the one that I asked to kill you. I wanted to be with you, but if I came here as a ghost, you wouldnt believe me" Lilly said. "My name is Riley, how did you know" Riley said. "You look like one, messy blonde hair, brown eyes" Charlie answered. Riley looked disgusted. "Lilly, I missed you terribley! But thats no longer a problem. Your, your really in front of me. And my body is lying there, blood going down it" Raymond said, pointing to his body. "Really sorry about that" I mumbled. "Its ok! As long as I know a friend of MY girlfriend killed me, purposely" he said, laughing. Then the police came. "PUT YOUR HANDS UP!". Thank god we were invisible. But the other 3 boys (Raymond said their names were Henry, David, and Lenny) put there hands up, yawning. They were arrested. Also accused of killing Raymond and Riley. I started to cry again, and put my hands over my eyes. I had put these innocent people in this danger.