
Monday, June 15, 2009

Cheroes: Paragrah

Cheroes is a good friend because she trusts me and always gets excited when I'm here. She always follows my lead and she's always on my side; and she doesn't fake it because I hate people who fake it. She always agree's with me and we will do what each other says no matter WHAT it is. Cheroes tells me everything; shes not afraid of me anymore and what I think is ridiculous she thinks it is too. She's like my little cousin: If I hate the Jonas Brothers she will hate the Jonas brothers from that second on. It's hard to believe she has all these troubles in school also. I love her stories, and I know that she will someday either be famous, write stories, or work for Club Penguin. Grace, you are so beautiful in life. I hung up all the pictures of you that you sent to me on my wall. That's why Cheroes/Grace is a very good friend. And that's why I love her (as a friend).