
Monday, June 22, 2009

Green Month

Please do the following while I'm gone:
. Pick a floor of your house and turn all the lights off for 25 minutes, even computers if there is one.
. Recycle once you finish a water bottle
. Turn all lights off once you leave a room; Includes fans, electronics, and others
. Plant a tree or actual plant
. If you finish a bottle and lets say, you want some water now, rinse that bottle and put water in it

I have changed my mind also, we are going to have a Go Green party each Friday. July is Earth Month for us. Please do everything I said, Please!! Also if you can, find a zoo with polar bears, donate money. I found a speech from an Unknown person:

"The faith of earth is our hands.
Do what you can now, your taking care of yourself too.
Please, help mother nature. She has helped us for so long,
and needs some help in return.
Help equals a long, happy, life.

No help, no life.
We may have all been dead right now,
if it wasn't for the people who stopped cutting trees down.
We depend on trees.
Killing trees equals killing us.

Help Polar Bears,
and other animals.
What we do, you may not even know about this, but
Some things we goes right to Polar Bear's extinction.
Bad stuff equals us, Polar bears, and earth,
the only planet with life, dying.